Smith Roof Drain Applications And Accessories - Poured Concrete

Poured Concrete

In this application, the Smith roof drain is set in a poured roof deck slab. The drain's flashing is secured by a non-puncturing flashing clamp.


  • Non-puncturing flashing clamp

Roof Drain Recommendations

  • Any Poured Concrete: Use the Smith No. 1010 cast iron body with flashing clamp (standard) and polyethylene dome (standard).
  • Insulated Concrete: Use the Smith No. 1010 cast iron body with flashing collar (standard), extension (-E) for insulation, underdeck clamp (-C), sump receiver (-R) and polyethylene dome (standard). Use Smith No. 1020 for side outlet. 
  • Overflow Drain — Any Poured Concrete: Use the Smith No. 1080 cast iron body with 2-in. high water dam and polyethylene dome (standard).
  • Overflow Drain — Insulated Concrete: Use the Smith No. 1080 cast iron body with 2-in. high water dam extension sleeve (-E) for insulation, underdeck clamp (-C), sump receiver (-R) and polyethylene dome (standard).

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